All About The 'Tude

My photo
NYBB, Cali, United States
*Try not to want me.* Hey y'all! What can I say about myself? I'm your anything but average, crunk, teen girl who enjoys having a good time *aka flirting* and hanging out with friends. My friends say I'm one of those classic, punk girls that should be the bass player for some teen skater band, but I don't like labels. I really like to do the extreme. You only get to live life once, so why not have some fun? As far as appearances go, I'm 5 foot 5 with dark red-brown hair and soft blue eyes. Want more? I'm in a band with 4 of my boy friends. *That makes me sound like a playa, but they're just friends.* I'm also at the head of the pack in my dance class, and I'm diligently working my way up in drama and choir. When someone messes with me, I mess with them. I never get discouraged, I get revenge. In short, that's me. Keep it real, and let the good times roll! ;D

Jan 24, 2009

I can't stop thinking about that new, smoker in math class, but my friends still say it's too soon. *Just in case you didn't know, "smoker" is the word smoking hot.* Whatever, I know it's only been like two weeks since Bryan and I split, but it really wasn't traumatic for me. Don't they know by now that breaking up is just like breathing for me? It kind of comes naturally. That may be harsh, but the boys I date are clever enough to know what they're getting themselves into. Besides, the guy in math class is clever, and he's also a major hottie. We met for the first time last Thursday, and he was *smooth*. Almost as smooth as me. He, Janie, Shawn, and I were working in a group, so we had time to talk. He and Janie came over to where Shawn and I were sitting, and I just say, "Sup, I'm Lea," as suave as ever. Do you want to know what he said? Yea ya do! Instantly he said, "You have beautiful eyes. I'm Trent." I don't usually say this about guys, but he was extremely intriguing. So I guess I kind of like Trent, but we'll see how long it lasts. He really shouldn't get his hopes up because I've been known to go through boys like napkins. ;D Once I'm done using them, I get rid of them.

1 comment:

  1. hey wats up? well im rachael, nice blog. its pink :D fav color right here LOL interesting stories goin on...pretty funny lol so um, ru like some random person or do i kno u or something bc u commented on my blog and was wondering if i kno u or wat....yaaa lol um well maybe, dunno, but maybe ru BR's friend? she has a bunch of friends who randomly comment on my blog so ya...could be. if u have no idea wat im talking about, then nvm LOL O_o well nice blog, keep up the good work, and good luck w/ the guy in ur class ;) :P
