All About The 'Tude

My photo
NYBB, Cali, United States
*Try not to want me.* Hey y'all! What can I say about myself? I'm your anything but average, crunk, teen girl who enjoys having a good time *aka flirting* and hanging out with friends. My friends say I'm one of those classic, punk girls that should be the bass player for some teen skater band, but I don't like labels. I really like to do the extreme. You only get to live life once, so why not have some fun? As far as appearances go, I'm 5 foot 5 with dark red-brown hair and soft blue eyes. Want more? I'm in a band with 4 of my boy friends. *That makes me sound like a playa, but they're just friends.* I'm also at the head of the pack in my dance class, and I'm diligently working my way up in drama and choir. When someone messes with me, I mess with them. I never get discouraged, I get revenge. In short, that's me. Keep it real, and let the good times roll! ;D

Feb 4, 2009

PS: There's still a smoker in math class.

Jan 30, 2009

Yo, someone. Send me a shout, OK? Where are you Zyguy?

Jan 24, 2009

I can't stop thinking about that new, smoker in math class, but my friends still say it's too soon. *Just in case you didn't know, "smoker" is the word smoking hot.* Whatever, I know it's only been like two weeks since Bryan and I split, but it really wasn't traumatic for me. Don't they know by now that breaking up is just like breathing for me? It kind of comes naturally. That may be harsh, but the boys I date are clever enough to know what they're getting themselves into. Besides, the guy in math class is clever, and he's also a major hottie. We met for the first time last Thursday, and he was *smooth*. Almost as smooth as me. He, Janie, Shawn, and I were working in a group, so we had time to talk. He and Janie came over to where Shawn and I were sitting, and I just say, "Sup, I'm Lea," as suave as ever. Do you want to know what he said? Yea ya do! Instantly he said, "You have beautiful eyes. I'm Trent." I don't usually say this about guys, but he was extremely intriguing. So I guess I kind of like Trent, but we'll see how long it lasts. He really shouldn't get his hopes up because I've been known to go through boys like napkins. ;D Once I'm done using them, I get rid of them.
Grant beat Poly! We so creamed. There were quite a few good teams in this area, but Grant schooled them all. ;>
I haven't been here in a long time, but whatever! I am so over myspace, facebook and livejournal. They are so overrated. I'm back cool cats! Applause is accepted. ;D

Apr 4, 2008

I couldn't get on the computer yesterday or on my birthday because I was too busy having fun! Basically a ton of my friends and I went to San Francisco and saw the city. We checked out all of the chill shops and attractions until we were dead tired. Then we all took a break and sat around, watching the Bush Man and stuff like that. Sarah was even offered a modeling job! Too bad she's in two and a half months or she'd probably be in a magazine right now. The best part was when we all went to the concert which was mad fun. Partly because of crunk music, and partly because there was this ultra hot who was hitting on me the whole time. Flirting with him the whole time was pretty fun so Phoebe, Bree, a few other guy friends and I hung out with him and a few of his friends afterward. As if we didn't get enough music at the concert, we stopped by to go dance where this band was playing on the streets. Bree danced with Ryan, Phoebe danced with Will and I danced with Mark *the hot guy.* We danced for forever until a slow song came on, and by that time, Mark was all over me. He tried to kiss me and everything, but just as he was leaning in, I told him about Jason *who had left earlier with most of my other friends.* He was disappointed, but what can I say? I'm a purebred heart breaker.

Apr 1, 2008

My birthday is tomorrow. It's my favorite day of the year because it's all about me!

Feb 21, 2008

She's ridiculous! I hate her! She has such serious rage issues, and relationship issues, and she's a controlling little be-ache! The stupid school called her again about my absences again and she freaked! What's new? As if she even cares! She complains about every little thing I do wrong and never recognizes any of my accomplishments! I swear I'm just a huge failure in her eyes! She thinks I'm always wrong and I can't do anything when she's the one who's always passed out on the kitchen floor or at some other guy's floor! She drinks herself faded yet I'm the loser! *Loser is the new name she disowned me with!* That freak! I'm starting to think she's never been sober and she never will be! And she could really use a boyfriend who won't be all over her when he's drunk and when he's not! If she and her boyfriends *who are somehow almost as disgusting as she is* are going to be so irresponsible, she needs to stay away from them and keep them away from me especially! If she ever brings home another guy, I'm leaving the house! I tried to tell her about those psychos she keeps bringing home but she never believes me! NEVER! Not once! I'm not going through this anymore! I hate her! Life sucks because of her! She makes me want to give up! I HATE HER! But what can I do, she's family! I'm stuck with her!

Sep 4, 2007

And I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored. I've been dancing the whole day until about 8:30 when Drew's parents crashed the party. I'd rather not talk about it, I feel really bad for Drew. But after that incident, a few of us went to ampm and got a soda. It must have been the soda because I can't sleep. Now I'm bored.

Apr 2, 2007

Heeeey, today's my birthday. Sweet sixteen baby! This may be the funnest day of my life. ;D Happy birthday to me!

Jan 1, 2007

3 2 1---HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Yeh-ya! Say goodbye to 2006 and hello to 2007. New year resolution? To have a better year than the last sucky year!

Dec 19, 2006

So I broke up with Jordon today, sort of. We actually didn't want to, but he, his parents and little sister are moving to Minnesota to be closer to his grandfather. He just lost his grandmother about a month ago, so i guess they really need each other right now. I just wish they could need each other over here! Now I sound selfish, but I'm not trying to be. I don't know what's wrong with me, I never take breakups this hard! What's different this time? We decided it would just be better to stop seeing each other than to try and juggle a long distance relationship, but maybe we could do it. I don't know. He's going, it's over. I don't really feel like talking about it anymore. I don't feel very good. Maybe I'm coming down with something.

Aug 28, 2006

This usually doesn't happen, but Jordon has me lovestruck. He asked me today to join his band! He wants me to sing and play guitar. He really impressed me today, which is saying something. I think I'll keep him around for a while. B}